Welcome to Brooke's Voice Foundation

Our Mission


Our mission is to improve the lives of children and families facing medical challenges by providing individual Gifts for Strength and Courage to hospitalized children and providing financial support to other organizations that share our mission.


Amount BVF has
donated to help children


Hospitalized children reported less anxiety after receiving a gift


Hospitalized children showed improved vital signs after receiving a gift

Gifts for Strength and Courage

Brooke Roth showed incredible strength and courage throughout her life. Born with Loeys Dietz Syndrome, a connective tissue disorder which affects the heart and blood vessels as well as various other areas of the body, Brooke never had it easy. Chronic back pain, numerous surgeries and lengthy hospital stays were her version of normal. Despite these obstacles, Brooke showed resilience and never let her challenges define her. Instead, she would rise above them and look for ways to help others, particularly children.

During her hospital stays, Brooke often received gifts, candy, cards etc. from family and friends. Regardless of what she was given, it always made her feel special and helped take the focus off her daily struggles. Seeing the positive impact these kind gestures had on Brooke really resonated with us. Our goal in creating Brooke’s Voice Foundation is to capture Brooke’s spirit and bring a smile to the faces of each child experiencing similar hardships. These Gifts for Strength and Courage are intended to enhance the lives of children facing difficult medical challenges, give them a sense of normalcy and make them feel special.

In November 2023, BVF started a pilot program called Gifts for Strength and Courage. In collaboration with Mount Sinai Children’s Hospital, this program enables the nursing staff, who work directly with hospitalized children and their families, the opportunity to recognize those who would benefit most from Gifts for Strength and Courage. This program has recently been expanded to include NY Presbyterian Hospital as well.  Children with lengthy hospital stays, those with recurring treatments, and those struggling with medical complications will all qualify. With the help of nursing staff, these children are invited to choose/request a specific gift that they feel will help them get through this difficult time. Using the funding that BVF has provided (and will continue to provide) gifts will be purchased upon request and given as soon as possible during their hospital stay. These Gifts for Strength and Courage will encourage these brave children to remain strong and look towards a better future. Our future plan, as funding allows, is to expand this program to include other children’s hospitals and make a positive impact on as many children as possible.

Additionally, every gift is accompanied by a notecard with a message from Brooke, encouraging each child to stay strong, stay positive and look for the good in each day. (Card shown below) Please stay tuned for continued information as our program continues to grow. Thank you so much for your support and for helping make Gifts for Strength and Courage a success.




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